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Be a good neighbor, good friend, good partner, and good brother--A record of President Xi Jinping's state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan
1 week ago

The land of Central Asia, the center of the Eurasian continent, is connected with China's mountains and rivers and depends on each other.

More than 2000 years ago, the envoys of the Han Dynasty made a journey to "carve out" the Western Regions, creating a vast river of friendly exchanges between China and Central Asia. Since 2013, China and Central Asian countries have joined hands to promote the comprehensive rejuvenation of the Silk Road and strive to create in-depth cooperation for the future, bringing bilateral relations into a new era and making the story between China and Central Asia richer and more exciting.

In the midsummer of 2024, it witnessed the historic moment when China and its close neighbors in Central Asia interacted closely, joined hands to build a community with a shared future, and continued to write the chapter of the Silk Road in the new era--

From July 2 to 6, President Xi Jinping attended the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Astana Summit and was invited to pay state visits to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan.

From the "Land of Grassland" to the "Land of Mountains", from the lush Isim River to the scorching Gisar Valley, there is a surge of friendship and the momentum of cooperation. China and Central Asia work together to cope with the situation and create a better tomorrow.


In September 2022, President Xi Jinping visited Central Asia for the first time after the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic; in May 2023, the first major home diplomacy after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China was the China-Central Asia Summit. This trip to Central Asia is my country's third major head of state diplomatic action towards Central Asia in two years.

China and Central Asia are traveling in both directions because of their close geographical ties, interest ties for helping each other, and cultural ties for mutual understanding. Moreover, because both sides have set a model for relations between neighboring countries and are at the forefront of the practice of building a community with a shared future for mankind. China-Kazakhstan and China-Tajikistan relations are precisely the epitome of China's relations with Central Asian countries.

This is the fifth time that President Xi Jinping has set foot on the soil of Kazakhstan and the third time he has paid a state visit to Tajikistan since he became China's top leader. It's like visiting relatives, the closer you get, the closer you get, the closer you get.

Jumping from a comprehensive strategic partnership to a permanent comprehensive strategic partnership, and reaching the vision of building a China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future with generations of friendship, high mutual trust, and sharing weal and woe, under the personal care and direct promotion of President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev, China-Kazakhstan relations have been "accelerated" to run forward.

From a strategic partnership to a comprehensive strategic partnership, from building a China-Tajikistan security community and development community to building a China-Tajikistan community with a shared future that is friendly for generations, shares weal and woe, and is mutually beneficial and win-win, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Emomali Rahmon, China-Tajikistan relations have successively reached new levels.

Good neighbors, good friends, good partners, and good brothers, a friendship that has lasted for thousands of years has blossomed into a new era.

Each of the highest courtesy and special arrangements reflects deep affection and also expresses trust.

这是2024年7月1日拍摄的哈萨克斯坦首都阿斯塔纳的天际线。新华社记者 王建华 摄

--In the capital, Astana, in the blue sky, three fighter jets escorted President Xi Jinping's special plane; blue welcome blankets were laid straight from the gangway to the VIP building. In the hearts of Kazakhstan people, blue symbolizes eternity and harmony, and also conveys a good desire to deepen friendship and partnership.

"We are eagerly looking forward to President Xi Jinping's state visit to Kazakhstan.""Your visit is a major event in the history of Kazakhstan-China relations." President Tokayev has repeatedly expressed his gratitude and cherish for President Xi Jinping's invitation to visit. Although the preparations for the Shanghai Cooperation Summit have a busy schedule, they have to go to the airport to meet them in person. The ceremonial soldiers were high-spirited and the horns were louder and louder. The heads of state of the two countries walked side by side along the long carpet. The dancing national flag and the "Hello" greetings carry hospitality and convey warmth.

White shirts, red waists, and Chinese peony flowers and Kazakhstan tulip patterns embroidered on the chest... In the spacious and bright lobby of the VIP Building, 14 teenagers formed a semicircle to sing "Singing the Motherland" for President Xi Jinping in Chinese.

"When I grow up, I want to go to Tsinghua University in China to study""Tsinghua University is also my dream. I want to learn programming"... The children told Grandpa Xi about their "Chinese Dream" happily. "Welcome to China to go to college!" President Xi Jinping smiled and nodded in approval. "Crossing mountains, crossing plains, crossing the rushing Yellow River and Yangtze River..." China is not only a place where dreams take root, but also a place where dreams come true.

State visit activities are in intensive progress. The next day, a motorcycle motorcade escorted all the way, and President Xi Jinping's motorcade drove into the Presidential Palace. Six fighter jets took off into the sky and pulled out red and yellow ribbons symbolizing the Chinese flag over the presidential palace. This is the first time that Kazakhstan has paid tribute to foreign leaders with this high-standard courtesy.

As the drizzling rain continued, President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev stood with umbrellas and waved to the fighter plane. The eagle sculpture on the dome of the presidential palace seemed to fly towards the "Chinese rainbow". Two years ago, also here, President Xi Jinping accepted the "Golden Eagle" Medal, Kazakhstan's highest honor, and wished that "China-Kazakhstan relations will fly like a golden eagle and have a bright future."

--In the century-old city of Dushanbe, in order to go to the airport to welcome President Xi Jinping, President Emomali Rahmon finished the Shanghai Cooperation Summit ahead of schedule and rushed back to China. From Astana to Dushanbe, we met again a few hours later. The two old friends smiled knowing, hugged warmly, and shook hands tightly.

"Dear Mr. Chairman, the hospitable Tajikistan warmly welcomes your visit." The innocent Tajik children presented red roses to the Chinese distinguished guests and offered bilingual greetings from China and Tajikistan. "Thank you." President Xi Jinping expressed his gratitude to the children.

The antique reviewing pavilion and the grand welcoming ceremony. Colorful flower bands are inlaid on both sides of the red carpet, and more than 1500 Tajik youths either danced or waved the national flag. Enthusiastic smiles, unrestrained dances, and strong feelings for the Tower of China come to your face.

At the welcoming ceremony the next day, a 21-gun salute resounded through the sky in the square in front of the Presidential Palace. President Xi Jinping greeted the honor guards in Tahtar,"Hello everyone!" The team members responded in unison,"Hello, Mr. Chairman!"

Stopping at the platform in front of the main entrance of the Presidential Palace, President Rahmon pointed to the parliament building and government building built with Chinese aid not far away and told President Xi Jinping: "The square in front of the parliament building has become a good place for citizens to relax and summer. It is Dushanbe. New check-in place."

2024年6月29日,在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别,人们在塔吉克斯坦议会大楼前休闲。新华社记者 申宏 摄

"I met with President Rahmon 15 times and established a good working relationship and a profound personal friendship," President Xi Jinping wrote in a signed article published in mainstream media in Tajikistan. Also a year ago, also in Xi'an, President Xi Jinping praised President Rahmon as "a wise, experienced and far-sighted politician" who played an important role in Tajikistan's national development. President Rahmon attached great importance to this evaluation, and Tajikistan TV repeatedly played this video.

This profound friendship continues to sublimate.

The mirror hall of the Presidential Palace is brightly lit, and on the red background board, the words "Award Ceremony of the 'Friendship Medal' of the People's Republic of China" are written in Chinese and Tajik. The ceremonial soldiers opened the thick wooden door, and accompanied by the "March of the Heads of State", President Xi Jinping and President Rahmon walked forward vigorously. Five years ago, it was here that President Rahmon awarded Tajikistan's highest national honor, the "Crown Medal", to President Xi Jinping.

"This is the first time that China has awarded the Medal of Friendship abroad. It is a special arrangement made to express the Chinese people's friendly feelings towards President Rahmon and the people of Tajikistan." The ceremonial soldiers presented heavy medals, and President Xi Jinping solemnly wore them for "old friends of the Chinese people." President Rahmon couldn't hide his excitement: "This honor is a recognition and affirmation of the firm development of the Tajik-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership of all the people of Tajikistan."

The guests stood up again and again and applauded for a long time.

With mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual understanding and mutual support, China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan interpret the true meaning of a community with a shared future for mankind with practical actions.

To deepen China-Kazakhstan friendship, both President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev emphasized "unswerving".

President Xi Jinping elaborated this way: "No matter how the international situation changes, China is unwavering in its original intention to maintain China-Kazakhstan friendship, its perseverance to promote all-round cooperation, and its determination to support each other on issues of core interests. Confidence in each country's development goals is unwavering."

Tokayev started from history: "In the long history of coexistence between our two countries, China has never harmed Kazakhstan's interests. On the contrary, China has extended a helping hand to us more than once." "Deepening friendly strategic cooperation with China is an unswerving priority direction of Kazakhstan's foreign policy."

On June 12, 2024, in Dushanbe, the capital of Tajikistan, Chinese doctors examined patients during the "Health Express Tajikistan Bright Journey" event. Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Zheng Kaijun

During talks with President Xi Jinping, President Rahmon made it clear: "Tajikistan unswervingly adheres to the one-China principle, opposes any form of 'Taiwan independence', and firmly supports China's efforts to safeguard sovereignty and territorial integrity and achieve national reunification."

"No matter how the international situation changes, China will always be Tajikistan's trustworthy friend, partner that can be relied on, and close brother." President Xi Jinping spoke sincerely.

Step by step and along the way, under the strong guidance of heads of state diplomacy, China-Kazakhstan and China-Tajikistan relations have reached a new starting point.

The two joint statements have made new plans and new arrangements for the development of China-Kazakhstan and China-Tajikistan relations under the new situation.

The China-Kazakhstan joint statement read: "Both sides emphasized that they will further develop all-round and efficient cooperation between the two countries and create a new 'golden thirty years' for China-Kazakhstan relations." Working together to build a more meaningful and dynamic China-Kazakhstan community with a shared future, the two countries work together.

The China-Tajikistan Joint Statement officially announced "developing a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership for the new era." With a new positioning, both sides decided to build a China-Tajikistan community with a shared future from a higher starting point.


Among the rich and intensive schedule of state visits, there are two activities focusing on practical cooperation, which attract particular attention.

The first was the opening ceremony of China-Europe Trans-Caspian Express.

On one end is the Caspian port site, and on the other end is the marble hall of the Presidential Palace of Kazakhstan. At noon on the 3rd, the two heads of state jointly witnessed this important moment of China-Kazakhstan cooperation through video.

"Dear President Xi Jinping, Dear President Tokayev, a fleet of 26 trucks from the China-Europe Trans-Caspian Direct Express Fleet and 110 containers from the China-Europe Express Train have arrived at the Port of Kuyk and Aktau respectively. When they are ready, please give instructions!"

"Shipping!" Under the order of the two heads of state, the ports of Kurek and Aktau, far away on the coast of the Caspian Sea, immediately started operations. Vehicles are boarding, containers are loading, and land and water are linked to each other. The scene is magnificent. The big screen showed real-time pictures, and the two heads of state were all smiles and applauded.

Known overseas as "Made in China", roads and railways run parallel, starting from Xinjiang or starting from Chongqing through Xinjiang, crossing Kazakhstan to the east coast of the Caspian Sea, and then taking cargo ships through the world's largest lake to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, and Europe. What is iconic is that this is the first time that Chinese vehicles have arrived at the Caspian port by direct road transportation. This means that a diversified three-dimensional interconnection pattern integrating roads, railways, aviation, and pipeline transportation has been officially established.

On June 26, 2024, the "Korea-Lianyungang-Central Asia" international multimodal transport train departed from the China-Kazakhstan Lianyungang Logistics Cooperation Base and headed for Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan (drone photo). The 55 large containers carried by the train were previously shipped from South Korea on June 13, arrived in Lianyungang by sea via Busan Port, and were then transported by rail. Photo by Xinhua Agency reporter Ji Chunpeng

This scene reminds people of the video connection ceremony for cross-border transportation between China, Kazakhstan, Asia and Europe jointly attended by the two heads of state in June 2017. Relying on the new Asia-Europe land-sea intermodal transport corridor from Lianyungang via Horgos and then to Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, the world's largest landlocked country, has gained a direct access to the Pacific Ocean.

In just seven years, the territory of China-Kazakhstan interconnection has continued to expand from cross-border transportation between China and Kazakhstan from Asia and Europe to China-Europe direct express transportation across the Caspian Sea. The hinterland of the Eurasian continent, which suffered from "sea and land changes" in international trade centuries ago when the West launched the era of great navigation, is taking advantage of the east wind of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" to re-emerge as a transportation hub of global significance, drawing continuous development dividends and cooperation opportunities from the flow of commodities and capital.

The other was the inauguration ceremony of the Parliament Building and the Government Building in Tajikistan.

A photo is displayed on the display board of the Chinese aid to Tajikistan Parliament Building and Government Building project. That was the picture of President Xi Jinping and President Emomali Rahmon attending the unveiling ceremony of the project model when he visited Tajikistan five years ago.

In August 2020, the project officially started. There are many scaffolds, roaring excavators... The builders of the Chinese Tower work together to overcome difficulties. In less than four years, two magnificent high-rise buildings rose from the ground in the center of Dushanbe, creating a "New Silk Road Legend" in the architectural world.

Exquisite marble walls, gorgeous wooden decorative columns, bright crystal chandeliers... On the evening of the 5th, President Xi Jinping and President Rahmon walked into the parliament building hand in hand and jointly unveiled the two buildings.

President Xi Jinping said in his speech: "Today, the official completion of the two buildings will greatly improve the office conditions of the Tajik Parliament and government and become a new landmark symbolizing China-Tajikistan friendly cooperation."

President Emomali Rahmon regarded the two buildings as "the most precious gift given by President Xi Jinping to the people of Tajikistan on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of his first state visit to Tajikistan." He also mentioned that the two buildings perfectly blend Tajik architectural style and Chinese architectural technology. This is China's first foreign aid project implemented using a joint design model, vividly practicing the principle of joint consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits in jointly building the "Belt and Road".

Time is the best yardstick to measure the sincerity and quality of cooperation.

In 5 years, 7 years, if the Timeline is lengthened, we can more truly feel the endless cooperation between China, Kazakhstan and China and Tajikistan, and touch the strong pulse of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road".

Returning to the place where the "Silk Road Economic Belt" was pioneered and looking back at the road of "many people traveling far" that we have traveled in the past 11 years, we are filled with emotions and firmer confidence.

Kazakhstan and China took the lead in laying cross-border oil and gas pipelines and carrying out international production capacity cooperation.

Zhanatas Wind Power Station, Turgusun Hydropower Station, modernization of Chimkent Refinery,"green channel" for rapid customs clearance of agricultural products, Xi'an Dry Port Terminal... Speaking of China-Kazakhstan practical cooperation projects, President Xi Jinping has many treasures.


"Bilateral trade volume reached a record of 41 billion U.S. dollars last year""45 joint investment projects totaling 14.5 billion U.S. dollars are currently under way""A total of more than 4700 Chinese-funded companies have invested and started businesses in Kazakhstan"... A group of China-Kazakhstan practical cooperation data, President Tokayev is familiar with it.

Tajikistan is the first country in the world to sign a memorandum of understanding with China to jointly build the Silk Road Economic Belt.

From industrial cooperation such as the Yawan Cement Plant and Dangara Agricultural Textile Industrial Park, to connectivity projects such as the China-Tajikistan Highway and the Yawan-Wahdat Railway Tunnel, from Tajik cherries and lemons that have entered thousands of households in China, to Confucius Institutes, Luban Workshop, and China-Tajikistan Traditional Chinese Medicine Center, high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has always been a main line of China-Tajikistan cooperation, providing important assistance to Tajikistan's industrialization and modernization.


In the first year of the second "Golden Decade" of the Belt and Road Initiative, we have come to the partners of the Belt and Road Initiative. President Xi Jinping and all parties have in-depth communication and joint blueprints on how to do and where are the key directions for this century project.

Development strategies must be further aligned--

Specifically speaking to China, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, President Xi Jinping said that China is willing to accelerate the in-depth integration of the "Belt and Road" initiative with the economic policies of "Just Kazakhstan," and is willing to work with Tajikistan to promote the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative and Tajikistan's "National Development Strategy before 2030" is deeply integrated to help each other's development and revitalization.

The mission goals should be further improved--

China is already Kazakhstan's largest trading partner. The two heads of state hope that bilateral economic and trade cooperation will reach a higher level and jointly establish a new goal of doubling trade volume as soon as possible in the future.

China has long been Tajikistan's largest source of investment and one of its major trading partners, with bilateral trade volume reaching a record high of nearly US$4 billion in 2023. President Xi Jinping proposed to explore new measures to further increase the scale of trade, accelerate the construction of key sections of the China-Tajikistan Highway, and accelerate the establishment of mutual cultural centers.

Cooperation areas should be further expanded--

From economic and trade cooperation to interconnection, from aerospace to educational media... the two sides signed more than 30 cooperation documents within the framework of this visit. President Tokayev is particularly looking forward to Kazakhstan-China smart agricultural cooperation: "Kazakhstan is very interested in introducing Chinese experience and technology."

这是2019年5月21日在塔吉克斯坦丹加拉拍摄的中泰纺织厂(无人机照片)。新华社记者 张若玄 摄

President Xi Jinping and President Emomali Rahmon witnessed the exchange of more than 20 cooperation documents, covering many fields such as connectivity, minerals, security, and humanities. Focusing on the future, President Xi Jinping particularly emphasized the need to cultivate new productivity cooperation growth points such as new energy, digital economy, artificial intelligence, and e-commerce.

What makes people imagine endlessly about the next "golden decade" of the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" is also the impressive "heart-to-heart connection" project between China, Kazakhstan and China and Tajikistan. The people are the foundation, motivation and hope. From people-to-people mutual understanding and then to people-to-people mutual understanding, a trickle of water nourishes the soil of friendship and stimulates the energy of cooperation.

2024年6月14日,在塔吉克斯坦首都杜尚别,来自天津城市建设管理职业技术学院与塔吉克斯坦技术大学的校方相关负责人进行交流。新华社记者 孟菁 摄

At noon on the 3rd, in the marble hall of the Presidential Palace of Kazakhstan, President Xi Jinping and President Tokayev jointly attended the opening ceremony of the Astana Chinese Cultural Center, the Beijing Kazakhstan Cultural Center and the Kazakhstan Branch of Beijing Language and Culture University. The red satin representing China and the blue satin representing Kazakhstan slowly slipped from the golden plaque, injecting new strength into China-Kazakhstan people-to-people exchanges.

During the visit, encouraging good news came one after another: China decided to open a second Luban workshop in Kazakhstan and hold the "China Tourism Year" in Kazakhstan next year. Learn China's language and technology, learn from China's experience and Chinese concepts, or go to China or invite China in. The growing "China craze" in Central Asia is a growing force for friendly cooperation and a strong desire with China to work together to achieve development and revitalization and jointly draw a new picture of world modernization.


Before flying to Central Asia, President Xi Jinping and friends from all over the world jointly commemorated a special day in Beijing-the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence.

Seventy years ago, in the face of the tragic catastrophe of the hot war and the divisive confrontation of the Cold War, the new People's Republic of China gave the historical answer to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence; today, faced with the major issues of "what kind of world to build and how to build this world", China in the new era has given the answer to the era of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Run forward one stick after another, move forward one step after another. In the magnificent practice of major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, relations between China and the world have formed a new pattern, and the international influence, innovative leadership, and moral appeal of China's diplomacy have been elevated to new heights.

Strategic planning with a higher position and a broader vision, and a more proactive and proactive country. During this trip to Central Asia, China and Central Asian countries moved towards each other and worked together, laying a solid foundation for future common development.

The first is to improve the China-Central Asia mechanism.

The China-Central Asia mechanism is a common initiative between China and the five Central Asian countries. In May last year, the China-Central Asia heads of state meeting mechanism was officially established. In March this year, the China-Central Asia Mechanism Secretariat was officially established. How to take good care of this new platform for good-neighborly friendship and cooperation in the region and make it go more stable, practical and further? During the state visit, President Xi Jinping had full exchanges with President Tokayev and President Emomali Rahmon on mechanism construction.

The second China-Central Asia Summit in 2025 will be hosted by Kazakhstan. President Xi Jinping made it clear that China is willing to work with Kazakhstan and other relevant parties to improve and strengthen the China-Central Asia mechanism and promote China's cooperation with Central Asia to achieve more new results.

During his state visit and attending the Shanghai Cooperation Summit, President Xi Jinping met with leaders of many Central Asian countries to review the gathering in Xi'an, discuss the progress of the construction of the China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan railway project, and discuss new paths and new areas for high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road"... China and Central Asia are advancing in cooperation and development.

The second is to build a "Shanghai Cooperation Corporation family".

This year's Shanghai Cooperation Summit was full of happy events and fruitful results--

Formally approved Belarus to join the SCO as a member state, and held a summit in the form of "Shanghai Cooperation Organization +" for the first time...

Signed and issued the "Astana Declaration", approving the SCO's initiative on uniting countries to promote world justice, harmony and development, proposals on improving the SCO's operating mechanism, and cooperation in energy, investment, information security and other fields A series of resolutions issued a statement on the principles of good-neighborliness, mutual trust and partnership...

At the signing ceremony, documents were passed one by one among the leaders of member states along the huge round table. Because of the large number of documents to be signed, the whole process lasted for 15 minutes.

China's takeover of the SCO's rotating presidency from 2024 to 2025 has attracted much attention. Against the background of the growing "SCO family", how to achieve organizational unity and development and gather the "SCO power" to build a better world is an important mission before member states.

In this regard, China has both ideas and actions.

For example, it is proposed that "it is crucial to the world that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization stands on the right side of history and on the side of fairness and justice"; it calls for the construction of a common home of unity and mutual trust, peace and tranquility, prosperity and development, good neighborliness and friendship, fairness and justice.

For example, hold the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Political Party Forum in due course; designate 2025 as the "Shanghai Cooperation Organization Year of Sustainable Development"; welcome all parties to use the Beidou satellite navigation system; advocate the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Digital Education Alliance; and in the next five years, SCO countries provide 1000 places for youth exchanges in China...

The third is to build a community with a shared future for mankind due to the emergency situation.

A century of changes have accelerated, various crises and challenges have emerged one after another, and mankind has once again stood at the crossroads of where to go.

From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to the "Shanghai Spirit" to building a community with a shared future for mankind, the spiritual core is in the same line.

They all must adhere to true multilateralism.

"The United Nations is the core platform for practicing multilateralism and promoting global governance. Its role can only be strengthened and not weakened." When meeting with United Nations Secretary-General Guterres, President Xi Jinping reiterated that the United Nations should play a central role in international affairs.

Both are to advocate equal and orderly world multipolarity and inclusive economic globalization, and promote the development of global governance in a more just and reasonable direction.

At the conference commemorating the 70th anniversary of the publication of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, President Xi Jinping advocated that the "Global South" jointly serve as the "four major forces" and announced the "eight measures" to support cooperation in the "Global South". During this trip to Central Asia, President Xi Jinping adopted practical and concrete China plans and actions to unite the forces of the "Global South" and strengthen the influence of the "Global South".

When meeting with reporters with President Tokayev, he announced: "China supports Kazakhstan in joining the BRICS cooperation mechanism, playing its role as a 'medium power' on the international stage, and making its due contribution to global governance."

When meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said: "China supports Russia in fulfilling its responsibilities as the rotating chair of the BRICS countries, uniting the 'global South', preventing the' new Cold War', and opposing illegal unilateral sanctions and hegemonism."

When meeting with Turkish President Erdogan, he emphasized: "China and Turkey are both major developing countries and members of the 'Global South'. They have broad consensus on pursuing the development and revitalization of their respective countries and safeguarding the norms of international relations."

"Establish the right position in the world and walk the great road in the world." All parties agree more with China's initiatives and rely more on China's role.

During this trip to Central Asia, President Xi Jinping's global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives have once again become topics that all parties actively talked about and universally agreed upon on the stage of state visits and multilateral diplomacy.

President Tokayev said that Kazakhstan highly appreciates China's peaceful diplomacy concept and the series of global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping, speaks highly of China's important contributions to promoting world peace and development, and is willing to work together with China to promote the construction of Kazakhstan and China. Community with a shared future and a community with a shared future for mankind.

President Rakhmon expressed his admiration for President Xi Jinping: "President Xi Jinping is a great leader in today's world with profound historical insight and a broad global vision. Many global initiatives proposed by President Xi Jinping are conducive to promoting peace and progress of mankind."

"Uzbekistan is willing to coordinate and cooperate closely with China in multilateral frameworks such as the China-Central Asia Mechanism and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization to promote the implementation of President Xi Jinping's global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives.""Belarus supports President Xi Jinping's proposed Global Development Initiative, Global Security Initiative, Global Civilization Initiative"... This is the voice from the "SCO Family".

"Thank you to China for supporting the cause of the United Nations, practicing multilateralism, and playing a key and constructive role in promoting world peace and development. The future of mankind depends largely on China." During a meeting with President Xi Jinping, United Nations Secretary-General Guterres expressed his feelings.

On the morning of the 6th, President Xi Jinping's midsummer trip to Central Asia in 2024 came to a successful conclusion. Facing the bright sunshine, the silver-white special plane took off in Dushanbe and flew east. The voice of the times, working together to build a community with a shared future for mankind, echoes in the hearts of the people of Central Asia and Eurasia...

Written reporters: Ni Siyi, Hao Weiwei, Yang Yijun, Han Liang, Liu Kai, Zhang Jiye, Guan Jianwu, Geng Pengyu

Video reporters: Li Shuting, Liu Chunhui, Li Yaguang, Zhang Jiye, Meng Jing, Hao Weiwei, Yang Yijun, Miao Xiaojuan, Yin Jiajie, Wu Yao, Xu Yang, Liu Kai, Zhou Tianhe, Geng Pengyu, Jiang Youlin, Guan Jianwu, Wang Huan

Editors: Qi Wenjuan, Qian Yi, Liu Lianfen, Qiu Shijie, Kong Weiqian

Coordinator: Gao Xinxin, Li Yunan