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Director Luo Zhaohui held talks with Cuban Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Cabrisas
3 months ago

On April 4, 2024, Luo Zhaohui, Administrator of the China International Development Cooperation Agency, met with Cuban Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment Cabrisas and co-chaired the Joint Meeting on Development Assistance Cooperation between the two sides. Ma Hui, Chinese Ambassador to Cuba, Huang Yan, Member of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Bai Bin, Director General of the Second Regional Department of the International Cooperation Agency, experts from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Commerce and the Chinese side in the fields of agriculture, energy and development planning, and officials from the Ministry of Economic Planning, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Energy and Mining, the Ministry of Food Industry, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Communications attended the event.

Luo Zhaohui said that China and Cuba are a socialist community with a shared future, and the traditional friendship between the two parties, two countries and two peoples is deep. In 2022, Cuban President Díaz-Canel paid a successful visit to China, and the two heads of state reached an important consensus, drawing a blueprint for the development of bilateral relations. China is ready to strengthen coordination and cooperation with Cuba, focus on key areas such as agriculture, energy, telecommunications and people-to-people and cultural cooperation, build high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and carry out practical cooperation under the framework of the Global Development Initiative for the benefit of the two countries and peoples. China empathizes with the difficulties faced by Cuba and will provide support and assistance to the best of its ability according to Cuba's needs.

Cuba and China have a special and friendly relationship, and Cuba adheres to the one-China principle and actively supports and participates in the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative. I would like to thank China for its long-term and valuable support for Cuba's economic and social development and improvement of people's livelihood. Cuba is ready to work closely with China to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state, deepen practical cooperation and elevate bilateral relations to a higher level.

The two sides had a full exchange of views on specific matters concerning the promotion of development assistance cooperation and signed a number of cooperation documents.