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Ma Zhaoxu: China and the United States should expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to lay a solid foundation for the development of bilateral relations
1 month ago

Revisiting the original intention and forging ahead

--Speech by Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu at the U.S. -China Business Council's activities to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States

(Night of July 26, 2024, St. Regis Hotel)

Ladies, gentlemen, friends:

It is a great pleasure to attend the U.S. -China Business Council to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. First of all, on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of our friends who have made contributions to promoting the development of Sino-US relations for a long time!

45 years ago, with extraordinary foresight and political courage, the older generation of leaders of China and the United States decided to formally establish diplomatic relations between the two countries. History has proved that their decision was completely correct.

Over the past 45 years, Sino-US relations have gone through ups and downs, but they have always worked hard to move forward. The trade volume between the two countries was less than US$2.5 billion when the establishment of diplomatic relations was established, and will reach more than US$660 billion in 2023. The two-way investment stock exceeds US$260 billion. More than 70,000 American companies have invested and started businesses in China. The two countries have established 286 pairs of friendly provinces, states and cities. At most, more than 300 flights per week and more than 5 million passengers shuttle across the Pacific every year. In international and regional affairs, the two countries have conducted good coordination and cooperation. The establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States has achieved the effect of "one plus one is greater than two", which not only benefits the people of China and the United States, but also promotes world peace, stability and prosperity.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

History enlightens us and tells the future. The 45-year development of Sino-US relations has fully proved that if China and the United States cooperate, they will benefit both, and if they fight, they will both suffer. On January 1 this year, President Xi Jinping and President Biden exchanged congratulatory letters on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Both heads of state emphasized that they must continue to work to stabilize and develop Sino-US relations for the benefit of both countries and the world.

How to implement the important consensus reached by the two heads of state and promote the steady and long-term development of Sino-US relations in the next 45 years is a common issue of the times faced by China and the United States. China's answer is clear. It is the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, and win-win cooperation put forward by President Xi Jinping. This is a summary of the experience of the 45-year development of Sino-US relations, an inspiration brought by conflicts between major powers in history, and a basis for our handling of Sino-US relations. The fundamental compliance with Sino-US relations.

China and the United States have different political systems, history, culture, and development stages. Both sides must respect each other's differences and strive to be harmonious but different. We must respect each other's social systems and development paths, not interfere in each other's internal affairs, not hinder each other's development, and not harm each other's core interests. China is unwavering in its determination to safeguard its sovereignty, security and development interests. China's development and growth cannot be stopped by any external force.

China and the United States account for one-quarter of the world's total population and one-third of the world's total economic output. Non-conflict, non-confrontation, and peaceful coexistence are in themselves a contribution to human peace. There is only one earth in the universe, and mankind shares one home. We need to work together with the "ball". China is the largest developing country in the world, and the United States is the largest developed country in the world. The two countries must set an example and inject more positive energy and stability into a world intertwined with turmoil.

President Xi Jinping pointed out that what brings China and the United States together is common interests, and what brings us to the future is mutually beneficial cooperation. Since the beginning of this year, I have contacted more than a hundred American business people and people from all walks of life, and I deeply feel their eager expectations for strengthening cooperation between China and the United States and achieving win-win results. Achieving common development requires Sino-US cooperation, and solving global challenges also requires Sino-US cooperation. Facts have proved that Sino-US cooperation is a good thing for the two countries and a boon to the world. There is no way out for confrontation and there is no winner in the "new Cold War". Cooperation is the only correct choice for both China and the United States.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China successfully concluded last week. The "Decision" adopted by the plenary session outlines a grand blueprint for China to further comprehensively deepen reforms and promote Chinese-style modernization. We will build a high-level socialist market economic system, improve systems and mechanisms to promote high-quality economic development, build systems and mechanisms to support comprehensive innovation, improve the macroeconomic governance system, improve the systems and mechanisms for integrated urban and rural development, improve the systems and mechanisms for high-level opening up to the outside world, and improve the whole process. The system of people's democracy, improve the socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics, deepen the reform of cultural systems and mechanisms, and improve the institutional system to protect and improve people's livelihood. Deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system. The "Decision" proposes more than 300 important reform measures, which will not only greatly promote the process of Chinese-style modernization, but will also provide broader development space for enterprises from various countries, including American companies.

Since the beginning of this year, China's economic performance has continued to pick up and improve, and new momentum has accelerated its growth and growth. In the first half of the year, GDP grew by 5.0% year-on-year. Many international institutions have recently raised their forecasts for China's economic growth. We are confident and able to achieve the expected goals for economic and social development throughout the year. American companies have always been participants, contributors, and beneficiaries of China's reform and opening up. I hope that in China's historical process of further comprehensively deepening reforms and expanding opening up, you will continue to play an active role in promoting China's development, achieve better development for yourself, and share the dividends of China's development.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

President Xi Jinping pointed out that the status of Sino-US relations and whether the two countries are confrontational or cooperative are related to the well-being of the two peoples and the future and destiny of mankind. No matter how the situation changes, the historical logic of peaceful coexistence between China and the United States will not change, the fundamental aspirations of the two peoples for exchanges and cooperation will not change, and the general expectations of the people of the world for the stable development of Sino-US relations will not change. We hope that the United States will proceed from the common interests of the two countries and the international community, work in the same direction with China to promote the stable, healthy and sustainable development of Sino-US relations. The two sides should conscientiously implement the important consensus reached at the San Francisco meeting between the two heads of state, maintain the momentum of stabilizing Sino-US relations, and focus on making efforts in the following three aspects:

The first is to establish correct understanding.Since the establishment of diplomatic relations, China's principled position on developing Sino-US relations has been consistent. China is willing to be a partner and friend with the United States, and always handles Sino-US relations in a responsible manner to history, the people, and the world. It is hoped that the United States will view China's development objectively and rationally, abandon its erroneous positioning of China as the most important strategic competitor and the most important geopolitical challenge, and actively explore with China ways for the two major powers to get along correctly.

The second is to strengthen practical cooperation.Since the meeting in San Francisco, China and the United States have made new progress in dialogue and cooperation in various fields. Senior officials of the two militaries maintained communication, anti-drug cooperation steadily advanced, the first meeting of the artificial intelligence intergovernmental dialogue was successfully held, and working groups on economy, commerce, finance, and climate change were working well. The two countries should expand and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation to lay a solid foundation for the development of bilateral relations.

The third is to deepen people-to-people exchanges.Since the implementation of the "50,000-year initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping, more than 7000 American teenagers have come to China to study and exchange. Two giant pandas have successfully entered the San Diego Zoo and become envoys of Sino-US friendship. China and the United States should work together to continue to promote the increase of direct flights between the two countries and reduce ticket prices. It is hoped that the United States will adjust its travel reminders to China as soon as possible, stop unwarranted harassment, interrogation and repatriation of Chinese students and scholars to the United States, and allow the people of the two countries to resume normal exchanges as soon as possible.

Ladies and gentlemen, friends,

President Xi Jinping pointed out that Sino-US relations cannot go back to the past, but they can have a better future. A Chicago student who once participated in the "50,000-year initiative" told me that learning Chinese may have been the decision of his parents at first, but visiting China was out of love for China and Chinese culture. It was the "San Francisco Vision" that brought the dream of visiting China into reality! Looking forward to the next 45 years of Sino-US relations, let us work together to inherit the original intention of establishing diplomatic relations between China and the United States, sow more seeds of friendship, build more bridges of exchanges, weave more bonds of cooperation, and jointly promote Sino-US relations in the right direction. Sailing in the right direction!

Thank you!