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To help high-level opening-up and empower high-quality development, China CITIC Bank held the ASEAN Regional International Financial Services Exchange Conference in Xiamen, Fujian Province
1 month ago

In order to better support the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative and help corporate customers grasp the new opportunities for China-ASEAN development, China CITIC Bank further expanded the boundaries of international business services and actively built a hierarchical and diversified domestic and foreign financial service ecosystem. More than 200 people, including representatives of key customers of China CITIC Bank, relevant departments of the head office, Xiamen Branch, China CITIC Bank International, and representatives of mainstream media, attended the meeting, and nearly 10,000 people watched it online through live webcast.

At the meeting, the representatives of China CITIC Bank introduced the bank's eco-level cross-border financial service plan, which supports Chinese enterprises to "go global" with high quality and "bring in" foreign investment at a high level, fully practicing "CITIC responsibility", demonstrating "CITIC wisdom" and creating "CITIC value". In April this year, China CITIC Bank officially launched the "Credit Forex+" cross-border financial integrated service system, which attracted market attention, and the ASEAN Regional International Financial Services Exchange Conference was not only the first series of activities focusing on the ecosystem after the "Credit Forex+" press conference, but also demonstrated the overseas financial service capabilities of CITIC Group and China CITIC Bank. "We feel that China CITIC Bank has provided a wide range of financial services based on customer needs, covering the key links that enterprises may face in their 'going global', which gives me more confidence to 'go global'." Representatives of corporate customers attending the meeting said.

China CITIC Bank also invited the chief overseas research analyst of CITIC Securities and law firm professionals to share professional information on topics such as market analysis of key ASEAN countries and analysis of the legal and tax environment of key ASEAN countries, respectively, to provide professional information sharing for Chinese enterprises to expand overseas markets and carry out cross-border business in compliance.

Lu Jingen, Business Director of China CITIC Bank, said at the exchange meeting that as a "pioneer", "leader" and "innovator" of foreign exchange business of joint-stock banks, China CITIC Bank has accumulated rich experience and achieved a good market reputation after 37 years of development. From the perspective of major indicators such as trade settlement, foreign exchange settlement and sales, trade finance, and foreign exchange market making, China CITIC Bank has always been in the leading position in the joint-stock industry, and has been an industry leader in multiple segments, and has the ability to provide diversified financial services for Chinese enterprises to integrate into the global value chain, and help promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. In the future, China CITIC Bank will closely follow the needs of enterprises in "going global" and "The Belt and Road", focus on the construction of free trade zones and free trade ports, RMB internationalization, cross-border investment, wealth management and other new development directions, and strive to build a "leading foreign exchange service bank".

Adhering to the service concept of "professional, fast and flexible" and the value concept of "CITIC Foreign Exchange, Global Value Chain", the "CITIC Forex+" service system is a concrete practice of China CITIC Bank to fully serve the overall situation of the country's high-level opening up, adhering to the service concept of "professional, fast and flexible" and the value concept of "CITIC Big Forex, Global Value Chain", deeply penetrating the fields of import and export trade, international settlement, foreign exchange trading and cross-border investment and financing, giving full play to the advantages of onshore, offshore and free trade integrated cross-border services, creating scenario-based classification based on customer business needs, and shaping the four major areas including settlement, financing, trading and financial intelligence, as well as the supply chain of information and exchange. The "4+N" cross-border financial service solution, which includes multiple scenarios such as investment and financing, meets the cross-border financial service needs of enterprises in an all-round and high-standard manner.